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seven measurments

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Q: How many scale measurements does it take to know which of eight balls weighs the most?
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What is what kind of scale weighs under a gram?

Something that weighs under a gram might be in the milligram department, so basically, any scale that measures in milligrams will do.

Which statement descirbes the kelvin scale?

It comprises measurements on the ratio scale. That is, 3K refers to something which has three times as much thermodynamic energy as 1K.

What is that thing called that is not a scale but weighs other things like weights?

A balance.

You have 9 tennis balls. One is slightly heavier than the rest but you cannot tell by looking... or even holding. You also have a balance scale. How would you go about finding the heavy ball while usi?

Answer = Maximum of three steps to find heavy ball. Put one tennis ball aside and put the other 8 on the scale - 4 on each side. If the scale is balanced you're done - the one you put aside is the heavy ball If not Remove the 4 balls on the light side of the scale. The heavy ball is one of the four still on the scale. Spit these four in two on each side of the scale. Remove the two on the light side of the scale. The heavy ball is one of the two remaining balls on the scale. Split the two remaining balls. Your done. Solution #2 - heavier ball found in two steps: Step 1: group 9 balls in sets of 3. Reserve 3 balls(a), put 3 on each side of scale(b) and (c). Observe that heavier ball is in one of three sets, (a), (b) or (c) - either the scale side that dropped or the reserved set, if the scale balanced. Step 2: Split the set with the heavier ball - reserve one and place one on each side of the scale. Observe that heavier ball is one of the 3 balls, - either the scale side that dropped or the reserved ball, if the scale balanced. Solved in two steps.

How much does eightball weight?

an "eight ball" weighs 3.5 grams.....what u say??? it refers to it being an eighth of an ounce. Ounce=28 grams- 1/8 of an ounce is 3.5 grams and you get an "eight ball."

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The Richter scale is based on measurements of?

The Richter scale is based on measurements of *Amplitude*. (^_^)

What additional information is obtained from measurements on an interval scale compared to measurements on an ordinal scale?

whether the measurements are the same or different

What gives the ratio that compares measurements of the drawing to the measurements of the real object?

It is the scale ratio or scale factor

What is the difference between scale and scale factor?

The scale gives the ratio that compares the measurements of the drawing or model to the measurements of the real object. Scale factor is a scale written as a ratio without units in simplest from.

What is the ratio compares the measurements of the drawing or model to the measurements of the real object.?


What weighs a stone?

a scale

What is an eight note scale?

A scale with eight notes s called an octatonic scale, the term "oct" means eight.

Does a scale represents measurements in actual distance?


What type of thermometer is used by a scientist?

Science measurements use the metric system and the Celsius temperature scale is used for most measurements. The Kelvin scale is also used for measurements approaching absolute zero.

What a scale written as a ratio in simplest form without units of measurements?

scale factor

When does it mean when map is drawn to scale?

it means the map measurements will coordinate with the measurements of the map location.

What gives the relationship between the measurements on a drawing or model and the measurements of a real object?

It is a matter of scale.