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I assume you mean how many senators. The U.S. senate has 100 senators. The House of Representatives has 435 representatives. These two legislative bodies make up the legislative branch of the government.

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100 - 2 from each state.

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Q: How many senates are in the legislative branch?
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the legislative branch

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The Legislative Branch, specifically the Senate.

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The Legislative Branch, or Congress (the House and the Senate).

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the branch uses the Virginia Plan and has as many house representatives based on the states size, then two senates per stats

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The legislative branch was established by Article I of the Constitution, the Legislative Branch consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate, which together form the United States Congress.

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The Legislative branch (Congress).

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The legislative branch makes the laws.the legislative branch isn't the only one that makes the laws, its also the executive branch.ADDED: The legislative Branch of Government does not make or pass laws, they promulgate rules and regulations,which many times have the force of law. Only the Legislative Branch can pass laws, the Executive Branch ENACTS them.executive branch

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The legislative branch

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The Legislative Branch