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Q: How many servings of milk or dairy products should a person have each day?
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what is the food pyramid and what foods are included?

The bottom of the pyramid includes the grain category. This category has breads, rice and pasta. It is recommended for a person to have between 6 and 11 servings per day. The second level of the pyramid is the fruit and vegetable level. 3-5 servings of veggies and 2-4 servings of fruit is recommended for a person to have daily. Above that level is the level that includes meats and dairy products. A person should have 2-3 servings of dairy (including yogurt and cheese) per day and should have 2-3 servings of meats and alternatives (nuts, beans and eggs). The top of the pyramid is for fats, oils and sweets. These should be used sparingly.

What type of food is a good nutritional balance?

The types of foods you should eat can be based around the food pyramid. The base should be bread, pasta and other grain products. You should have about 6-11 servings a day. Next are your fruits and vegetable groups. You should have 3-5 servings of vegetables and 2-4 servings a fruit per day. Next up are dairy products i.e. milk, and yogurt. You should have 2-3 servings per day unless you are lactose intolerant in which case you should avoid dairy. Next you have your meat group in which you need about 2-3 servings a day. And last you have the sweets, which should try to be avoided.

How many servings of dairy should a 10 year old have?

A ten year old should have 3 servings of dairy a day. For growing bones! good luck

How much dairy should a vegetarian get?

A vegetarian should get 2-4 servings of dairy a day, just like a non-vegetarian should.

The daily amount recommended from each food group in the pyramid?

You should have 7-8 fruits and veggies per day. 5-6 grain servings. 3-4 Dairy products. And 2-3 Meat servings.

Were in the Caribbean you can find dairy products?

Dairy products are sold in grocery stores and food markets throughout the Caribbean. You should have no problem finding dairy products when you visit the islands.

What is a person called who does not consume dairy products?

A Vegan

How many servings a day of dairy?

They say you should have 3 glasses of milk or 2 cups of yogurt.

How many servings of dairy products should you have per day?

3 glasses of milk or 2 cups of yogurt "apparently" but with my diet, I don't even need to think about how much dairy I have because I end up having the right amount anyway. For example, I'll decide I want a hot chocolate and later I'll have cheese on toast. The real thing that's important is how much veges and fruit you eat and making sure you get all your protein :)

Children aged 6-11 years old should have how many servings of rice and alternatives?

i believe 6-11 year old should have 3 or 4 servings of dairy of rice and alternatives.

Does Farm cow butter suitable for vegetarian?

If a person is a vegetarian it is generally acceptable to eat dairy products including butter from cows. If a person is a vegan, dairy products are usually rejected.

Where should dried and canned dairy products be stored?

In the dried and canned dairy product section.