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The 13th Amendment abolished slavery, on December 6, 1865.

The 13th Amendment was passed by both Houses, on January 31, 1865, was signed by President Lincoln, and submitted the proposed 13th Amendment to the states on February 1, 1865, and finally, ratified by 3/4 of the states on December 6, 1865.

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Approximately 4 million slaves (based on 1860 estimates). The 13th amendment (1865) freed all slaves, but Emancipation Proclamation (1863) only freed confederate held slaves.

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Q: How many slaves were freed by the 13th Amendment?
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Why was the 14 and 15 amendments made?

While the 13th amendment freed the slaves, it did not make them citizens or give them any rights. The newly freed slaves had no where to go after the 13th amendment was passed -- they were simply no longer slaves. Most slaves during the civil war had been born into slavery as the importation of slaves was made illegal in 1808. So, the slaves had no reason to go back to Africa, as they had no money and many had never been there anyway. The U.S. government realized they had to do something about all these people, so they essentially gave them citizenship with the 14th amendment, and later the right to vote with the 15th.

What were the economic problems for blacks after 13th amendment?

After slaves were freed, they did not have money to buy land or animals to work the land. Many became share croppers and it was much like still being a slave.

About how many years after Harriet Tubman's escape from slavery were all enslaved people legally freed by the 13th amendment?

it was about 20 years

How did many former slaves make a living in the South after slavery was abolished by the 13th Amendment?

Many made a living as sharecroppers.

What happened when slavery ended?

Slavery ended in the US and was officially abolished under the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution, ratified in 1865. Unfortunately, this left most freed slaves without employment or sustenance, and many became sharecroppers on the former plantations.

Who is the lady who freed slaves?

Harriet Tubman, freed many slaves in the 1800s.

Who granted liberty to all men and women essentially granted freedom to black slaves?

Your question doesn't make sense. If you are talking about freeing the slaves in the United States, that was done by Congress and the States with the 13th Amendment. Many people think Abraham Lincoln did that with his "Emancipation Proclamation," but that actually freed no one.

What was the experience of the freed Southern slaves?

Freed slaves were heavily discriminated against and were denied many rights.

How many slaves were freed in Thomas Jefferson's will?

600 slaves

What year were the slaves freed after the civil war?

The year that slavery was abolished was 1865. The thirteenth amendment to the US Constitution was ratified in December of that year. In essence the slaves were freed with the fall of the Confederate government in April 1865, and the surrender of the last viable rebel army which occurred in May. Also many slaves had been "freed" by the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863. However the constitutional amendment made it official and the slave then truly was henceforth and forever free.

How many republicans voted for the 13th amendment?


What year was slavery abolished in America?

Slavery was officially abolished in the United States in 1865 (by the enactment of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution), although many states abolished slavery for themselves at various dates between 1777 and 1864 and the transport of new slaves from Africa to the US was stopped as early as 1808. Although the Founding Fathers agreed to end the importation of new slaves after 1808, the smuggling of slaves into the US continued. Based on the invention of the cotton gin, more slaves were needed to work the plantations to harvest the ever increasing demand for slaves.Slavery ended in the United States 6 months after the civil war with the 13th Amendment. December 6, 1865.In the US, slavery ended in December of 1865 when the 13th Amendment was ratified.The Blacks were officially freed from slavery by the Thirteenth Amendment, passed by the Senate on Apr. 8, 1864, passed by the House on Jan.31,1865 and proclaimed as adopted on Dec. 6,1865.This happened for many people when President Abraham Lincoln issued the first Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862. The official end of all slavery came in December, 1865, with passage of the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution.The legal end to slavery was in December of 1865 when the 13th Amendment was ratified.This happened for many people when President Abraham Lincoln issued the first Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862. The official end of all slavery came in December, 1865, with passage of the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution.The legal end to slavery was in December of 1865 when the 13th Amendment was ratified.