

How many square footage is 5' x 5'?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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5*5 = 25 square feet.

5*5 = 25 square feet.

5*5 = 25 square feet.

5*5 = 25 square feet.

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11y ago

5*5 = 25 square feet.

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Q: How many square footage is 5' x 5'?
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50. Length times width equals the square footage.

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Linear footage is feet in a line. as in, not square footage, just length or height. take a 5 foot square: its perimeter is measure in linear feet (20 linear feet) 5+5+5+5 Its area is measured in square feet (25 square feet) 5 x 5 A 5-foot cube would be measured in cubic feet (125 cubic feet) 5 x 5 x 5

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They have the same area.

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70' squared (5 x 14)

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To calculate square footage multiply length times width, so 5 x 7 = 35 sq ft

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The answer depends on the units used for 5 and 15. It should be obvious to you that the square footage of a 5 ft x 15 ft area will be somewhat different form that of 5 mile x 15 miles!

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10*5 = 50 sq feet

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The square footage of a radius is meaningless, but if you mean the square footage of a circle of radius say R, the answer is 3.142 x R x R

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The square footage of a rectangular area is the product of its width and length. The area of a 5 foot by 12 foot rectangle is 60 square feet.

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10 x 5 = 50ft2

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Length x width = square footage