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1, which was Delaware

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Q: How many states ratified the Constitution by the end of the year it was written?
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In 1788 how many states ratified the constitution?


How many states needed to the ratify the constitution?

nine states ratified

How many states approve an amendment before the constitution can be ratified?


State that ratified constitution?

Pennsylvania is one of the many states that decided to ratify the American Constitution.

In what year was the present Constitution written?

The present Constitution of the United States is the original Constitution of the United States. It was ratified 17 September 1787. The Constitution has been amended 27 times, and the 27th Amendment was ratified 7 May 1992.

How many states must approve an amendment before the Constitution can be ratified?


How many states ratifyed the constitution?

All 13 states ratified the U.S. Constitution, which was considered in effect after two-thirds of them (9) had done so.All 13 ratified the U.S. Constitution. They only needed 9.9 - apex

How many states had to approve the constitution for it to be ratified?

The total of nine states had to approve the Constitution to make it "the law of the land."

How many states were there at the time the constitution was written?

There were 13 American colonies when the Constitution was written. It wasnt until December of 1787 - 3 months after the constitution was ratified that statehood was given to Delaware, Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

How many states were required to pass the constitution?

Nine States were required. They were ratified by state conventions and not the state legislatures.

What allowed the constitution to be eventually ratified?

After four months of secret debate and many compromises, the proposed Constitution was submitted to the states for approval. Although the vote was close in some states, the Constitution was eventually ratified and the new Federal government came into existence in 1789.

How many states had to ratify the Constitution to put it into operation?

Well 9 ratified it, and that put it into effect.