

How many teenagers go swimming in a year?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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7y ago

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It is doubtful that there are any world Demographics on the number of teenagers who go swimming in a year. Since the total world population today (April 20, 2017) is estimated around 7.5 billion, the total number of teenagers would not be in the trillions.

Finding a definitive world-wide population of teenagers is difficult to nail down. The results of an internet search include ages 10 to 24 in a count of 1.8 billion. For the sake of a guesstimate, you could say that 2/3 of 1.8 billion are teenagers - or about 1.2 billion.

Then, determining the percentage of that unknown number that goes swimming is even tougher. Not everyone has swimming facilities available - or any body of water that would do - or one that is safe enough to use for swimming. You also have define what you mean by "swimming".

For the sake of another guesstimate - and likely a gross over-exaggeration - if 50% of the world's teenagers went for a swim in a swimming pool, lake, pond, river or ocean at least once a year, that would be around 600 million teenagers.

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