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You will lose none because that is your last set of teeth and you better not lose them.

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Q: How many teeth will you lose after you have gotten your adult set of teeth?
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How many teeth to you lose as a kid?

Children lose a total of 20 teeth. That is all the teeth that children get. Then their adult teeth start coming in and replacing their first set of teeth. They will get a total of 28 to 32 as adults.its about 20

How many teeth do you lose in your lifetime?

Adults naturally have 32 permanent teeth. In some cases adults can lose 1 to 4 wisdom teeth through surgery if they are impacting other teeth. No adult teeth are lost naturally though.

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An adult cheagle has 42 adult teeth?

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How many teeth in the adult mouth?

There are 32 teeth in the adult mouth There are 32 teeth in the adult mouth There are only 31 teeth in my mouth

How many Teeth in an a adult set?

there are about 42 teeth in a full adult set unless they lose some. There are 20 teeth in the top jaw, (six incisors, two canine, eight premolars, and four molars), and 22 in the lower jaw, (six incisors, two canine, eight premolars, and six molars).

How many teeths most cats have?

An adult cat with all its teeth will have 30 teeth, 16 in its upper jaw and 14 in its lower jaw. Many cats have teeth extracted, however, due to tooth decay, and many will lose teeth for other reasons.

How many teeth does an adult horse have?

A male adult horse has around 44 teeth.

How many teeth do have?

An adult with all their teeth- 32

How much teeth do adults have?

32Young adults have 28 teeth. 4 more teeth arrive in early adult hood (often described as wisdom teeth) at the very back of the jaws. So they have 32 teeth when these teeth arrive. If your question is how many teeth does the average adult lose to dental problems, accidents and other occurences I don't know the answer. It probably varies by occupation. Boxers and other people who take part in contact sports may get teeth knocked out. People with bad diets may lose teeth to eating too much sugar. Some people lose teeth at the orthodontist because their mouth is too small for all the teeth they have and some are removed to make room for the others to grow straight. I don't still have all of my teeth and I'm a fairly average adult!

How many teeth do we have?

The average adult has a total of 32 teeth including wisdom teeth.

How many teeth do an adult have including there wisdom teeth?