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Nibiru does not exist. Claims of its imagined size vary widely.

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Q: How many times Nibiru is bigger than Earth?
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How many times nibiro larger than earth?

Nibiru isn't real.

What size is nibiru?

Followers of the Nibiru myth claim a wide variety of things about Nibiru. It was originally claimed to be a large terrestrial planet, about four times Earth's size. However, many supporters of the myth now claim that it is a large star. The star V838 Mon is often purported to be "Nibiru." However, there is no scientific support for any of the fantastic story.

How many times the Earth is bigger then the Moon?

49 times

How many times bigger is jupiterthan earth?

around 1300 times

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How many time bigger is the earth to the moon?

About 6 times.

How many times earth is bigger than mercury?

99000 times lighter than earth.

How many moons orbit Nibiru?

None, because Nibiru doesn't exist. Those that support the Nibiru myth, and believe Nibiru to be a large terrestrial planet (there are many different beliefs among Nibiru believers as to what Nibiru actually is), often claim that it has 18 visible moons.

How many times is Saturn bigger than Earth?

About 10 times bigger About 10 times bigger

Which is bigger sunmoon or earth?

The moon is the smallest of the three, and the Earth is next largest. The sun is many times bigger than the moon and the Earth put together.

How many times bigger is Uranus than Earth?

Uranus is over 4 times bigger than Earth in diameter, in mass over 14 times bigger, and volume over 63 times bigger than Earth.Data comes from NASA. See related links.Mass of Earth is 5.97 x 10^24 kg.Mass of Uranus is 86.8 x 10^24 kg.Diameter of Earth is 12,756 kilometers.Diameter of Uranus is 51,118 kilometers.

What is the Niburu cataclysm and what are the repercussions for Earth?

The Nibiru Cataclysm is a collision or a near miss between the earth and a large planetary body(Nibiru) that certain groups beleive will take place in the early 21st Century. This doomsday event is very controversial and has many versions.