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To be more accurate the nucleus doesn't split in mitosis because after DNA replicates in interphase and prophase starts nuclear membrane is removed and there is no longer a nucleus just free chromosomes. These separate in anaphase and then in telophase where two daughter cells are going to be produced the nuclear membrane reforms as well as the nucleolus forming two cells with identical nuclei.

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twice/2 times

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Q: How many times does the nucleus divide during meiosis?
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How many times does the cell divide during meiosos?

Chromosones are divided two times. Once during meiosis I and once during meiosis II.

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How many times does the cell divides during Meiosis?

A cell undergoing meiotic division will divide twice, yielding 4 haploid cells.

When are four haploid cells formed?

in meiosis, or after the cell has split two times

How many times does the cell nucleus divid during meiosis?

Twice. When the cell starts off there are 46 chromosomes present. This mutliplies to 92, right before it is going to divide. Then you are left with two daugter cells that have 46 chromosomes each. The second part of meiosis, each of these cells breaks into two. And this will lead to having four daughter cells with 23 chrosomes each.

How many times does cell divides during meiosis?


Meiosis divides the chromosomes in the nucleus how many times?

Two successive nuclear divisions occur, Meiosis I (Reduction) and Meiosis II (Division)

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How many haploid cells are made during meiosis?

There are four haploid cells because your supposed to have 48 chromosomes but the first cell has 4 times as much so it needs to divide 4 times.Hope this helps.

How many times do spindle fibers form during meiosis?

Usually all at one time.

Is meiosis sexual or asexual reproduction?

I've been studying meiosis and mitosis a lot in class, and if theres one thing I've learned from all this jibber jabber, it's that meiosis occurs in sexual reproduction, and mitoses ioccurs in asexual reproduction. Another difference would be the fact that during meiosis, the cell divides 2 times and ends up as 4 new cells.... During mitosis, the cell will only divide once and it will end up in 2 new cells

How many times does DNA replicate in meiosis?

1 time only which is done during the only interphase in meiosis.