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Q: How many trees are needed to supply enough oxygen -for 30 people for a year?
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Exercising steadily enough for the heart to supply oxygen needed by the muscles is called?


What happens if the body cant work fast enough to supply as much oxygen as is needed for the break down of glucose?

When the body can't work fast enough to supply enough oxygen, glycolysis separates from the Kreb's cycle, and lactate is formed. Lactate is later broken down when there is enough oxygen. The breakdown of lactate is painful, which is why we get sore muscles after working out. When glycolysis and the Kreb's cycle separate, it is referred to as oxygen debt.

What is use of oxygen reservoir in an ambu bag?

It contains the volume of oxygen needed to supply the victim with rescue breaths of 100% oxygen.

Why does the flame of a candle die when you cut off air supply?

Oxygen is needed for burning. If there is no oxygen flame dies.

What is an exercise that is steady and sustained and at which the heart can supply the oxygen needed the body?

Physical fitness

Does putting sand on fire cut off the supply of oxygen?

It can if enough is properly applied.

Do lungs have anything to do with weakening of heart?

Lungs supply air, oxygen, to the body. Therefore, when the organs do not get enough oxygen, the do not function efficiently.

Why do people die of lack of oxygen while their blood oxygen levels is normal?

To the contrary, oxrgen cycels through your lungs and enters your blood. you use oxygen every second and you need a constant supply of it. As you lack oxygen your body starts to shutdown what isn't needed to keep you alive until your oxygen or blood oxygen is out.

Skeletal muscle produces lactic acid when the body cannot supply enough oxygen?


Do skeletal muscle produce lactic acid when the body cannot supply enough oxygen?


What is the problem with the world food supply?

There isn't enough food produced where it's needed.

What are the harmfull effect of carbon monoxide in short?

CO bonds with Heamoglobin irreversibly.So amount of Heamoglobin can be used for Oxygen transport become less.So Oxygen supply for body organs can be insufficient.It may lead to death if oxygen supply is not enough to the brain.