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there are 8 electrons in the valence shell of neon

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Q: How many valance electrons are found in an atom of each what elements Neon?
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How many valance electrons are found in an atom what elements Neon?

there are 8 electrons in the valence shell of neon

Are the valance electrons in neon reactive or stable?

they are stable

How many valance electrons in neon?

Eight - it has a full outer shell of electrons.

How is the reactivity of elements related to valence electrons in atoms?

Valance electrons means that the element has not reached the octet configuration and is therefore reactive the reactivity depends on the no. of valance electrons the more valance electrons the more unstable the atom is and the more reactive it is.The gasses like helium neon xenon are all inert which means they have an octet configuration and have no delocalised or valance electrons.

What element has more valance electrons than oxygen fewer valance electrons than neon more protons than sodium but fewer prtons than argon?


Why doesn't neon react with water?

Neon is a noble gas ... its valance shell is filled.

Valencies of all elements?

The valency of an element refers to the combining power of a given element. The valencies of all the elements is contained in the table of valencies. The valencies of the elements can be obtained by looking at the groups in the periodic table.

How many electrons does neon have in the third energy level?

Neon's complete electron configuration is: 1s22s22p6 Therefore, normally, neon does not have any electrons in its third energy level. As you can see, neon is a noble gas with 8 electrons in its valance shell, and is therefore chemically stable and is unlikely to react.

Why doesnt a neon atom tend to gain electrons?

Because , It's Outer Shell Is Totally Full With 8 Electrons .

Does neon comnbine with other elements?

No neon doesn't as it has completely filled valence electrons and is chemically inert.

Which of the elements which have their valence electrons in the second energy level is the largest?


How many Core electron in Ne?

Neon is a noble gas with 10 electrons. Neon has 2 core electrons and 8 valence electrons. It does not share electrons with other elements to form bonds.