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Generally one electron; examples are copper, gold, silver. Aluminium has three valence electrons.

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At least one valence unpaired electron.

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Q: How many valence electrons are generally contained in materials used for conductors?
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Materials in which the electrons are loosely bound are called conductors.

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How are materials divided into conductors insulators and semi conductors according to the atomic theory?

by their ability to accept electrons

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such substances are conductors of electricity.

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Electrical Conductor

Electrically charged particles move through materials that are classified as electrical conductors?

Electrons. A current.

What are materials that transfer thermal energy well called?

Materials that transfer thermal energy well are called good themal conductors. The metals are generally good conductors of heat (thermal energy).

What do you call materials that let electricity flow though?

Conductors are what the electrons flow through, in a single electric current called a circuit. Hence circuit breakers on conductors.

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Conductors are materials that allow electrons to flow easily through it. Metals are the best examples of conductors. Insulators to the opposite; they don't like letting their electrons flow. Glass, rubber, and wood are some examples of insulators.

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Heat moves easily through materials with delocalised electrons, that is electrons which are free to move through the substance. This happens in metals and graphite.

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Freely moving 'conduction' electrons that exist in all metals since metals are good conductors of thermal and electrical energy ... These electrons collide other electrons in the body allowing a better transfer of heat and electricity, unlike insulators or 'non-conductors' that use molecules to transfer the energy across their different parts...

What materials do electrons easily move through?

A conductor. The property that determines whether a material is a conductor or an insulator is how tightly bound the outer shell electrons are. Atoms with loosely bound electrons are good conductors. Three examples of good conductors are gold, silver and copper.