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Q: How many valence electrons would be found in an atom of oxygen?
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Compare the number of valence electrons on oxygen atom has with number of valence electrons a selenium atom has Are oxygen and selenium in the same period or group?

They both have 6 valence electrons. Oxygen and Selenium are in the same group.

Where would you find valence electrons?

They are the electrons in the outermost shell, and are the ones involved in most chemical reactions.

How many valence electrons would be found in an atom of tellurium?

There are 6 valence electrons in tellurium On the 5th energy level, it's valence shell

Explain how to use the valence electrons in an atom to predict if the atom will form bonds.?

An atom wants to have a full octet and thus the number of valence electrons is the key to finding how many bonds should be formed to complete this octet.For example: H2OOxygen has 6 valence electrons. To achieve a full octet (i.e. eight valence electrons on the outermost shell), it needs two more electrons. Hydrogen has 1 electron available for bonding, thus two hydrogen atoms would provide oxygen with the two electrons it needs. Thus the compound, H2O is formed.Another example is CO2Carbon has 4 valence electrons. Oxygen has 6. Each wants a full octet. Thus, carbon shares two of its valence electrons with each oxygen. In the end, Carbon has its original 4, plus two from each oxygen atom, which totals to eight. Oxygen has 6 originally plus 2 shared electrons from carbon thus a full octet is achieved.

What ion would be formed from oxygen how many electrons would be lost or gained?

Oxygen is in group 6, and so it has 6 valence electrons. It needs to more to make an octet, so it will GAIN TWO electrons, and become negative 2, i.e. O^2-.

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How many valence electrons does a neutral oxygen atom have?

A neutral atom of oxygen would have 6 valence electrons.

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Valence electrons are the total amount of electrons on the outermost shell of an atom. Meaning if the last shell has two, the valence electrons are two. But a complete valence shell would hold eight.

How many valence electrons would be found in an atom of chlorine?

A chlorine atom has 7 valence electrons.

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The are none.

Compare the number of valence electrons on oxygen atom has with number of valence electrons a selenium atom has Are oxygen and selenium in the same period or group?

They both have 6 valence electrons. Oxygen and Selenium are in the same group.

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How many valence electrons would be found in an atom of hellium?

Helium has 2 valence electrons, and it's the only noble gas that doesn't have 8 valence electrons.

Which atoms have six valence electrons in their valence shell?

The atoms with six valence electrons are the elements of group sixteen. This list includes O, S, Te, Se, and Po. If you would like to answer this yourself, just remember that the last digit of the group number is typically the number of valence electrons that you will have. The exceptions of course are the transitional metals from group 3 to 12 and the lanthanides and actinides like uranium and plutonium. These have 2 valence electrons.

How many valence electrons are there in one ozone molecule?

six, read your periodic table and look at the electron configurations. the last number is how many electrons are in the valence orbital. the number of electrons in that valence orbital and how many valence electrons there are in that atom. oxygen has a 2-6 configuration, hence six valence electrons. lewis dot diagram has a capital O surrounded by three pairs of dots (six total), chemistry is easy and fun for everyone.Oxygen has 6 valence electrons.

Where would you find valence electrons?

They are the electrons in the outermost shell, and are the ones involved in most chemical reactions.

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If oxygen gains 2 electrons what charge will it have?

It would have a negative charge. It would be a negative ion with a 2+ charge.Remember: when an atom gains electrons they become NEGATIVE.when an atom loses electrons they become POSITIVE.