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the entire dictionary!

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Q: How many words do you need to know in order to get a perfect score on the GRE verbal?
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What is the definition of verbal?

Of, or pertaining to, words. A communication is verbal if words are used.

What are verbal and non verbal communication?

Verbal communication uses words. Non-verbal communication are the ways we communicate without words, such as smiling, gesturing, and touching. Things like e-mail and SMS are considered verbal communication, because they use words, even though the words are written rather than spoken. This question and answer is therefore a form of verbal communication.

What is verbal communication and what does it consist of?

The actual words and the tone and cadence of the voice.

What are the first seven words of independence?

In order to secure a more perfect union

What is verbal arts?

Verbal art is a form of creative expression using words.

Write a brief note on verbal and non verbal communication?

Non-verbal communication are the ways we communicate without words.

What is a verbal model as in a math term?

A verbal model is an expression that uses words instead of numbers

What is a difference between verbal irony and situational irony?

Verbal irony has to do with words, but situational irony has to do with

What is verbal?

Verbal is defined as a form of communication in which spoken words are used in place of pictures, sign language, or written words. Verbal communication is often used to provide instruction, relay information or knowledge, or for entertainment.

What are verbal and non verbal tests?

in verbal test you answer the question by telling or speaking the answer and in a non verbal you write the answer down

What is the components of verbal and para-verbal communication?

as the name refers verbal involves the words and no-vebal neans the intonation , manner, stress, tempo, laughter

What is the difference between a verbal model and a algebraic model?

The differnce between a verbal model and a algebraic model is that a verbal model is an equation written in words and a algebraic model is solving the equation from the verbal model.