

How many words have a silent g?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: How many words have a silent g?
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Related questions

What is the silent letter in gnarled?

The silent letter in gnarled is the G, as it is pronounced "narled." Other words with this silent G spelling are gnat, gnaw, and gnu.

Is the 'g' silent in 'ing' words?

no the n is

Words with silent g at the beginning?

gnat, gnome

What are some words that contain a silent G?

Some words with a silent G include:assignassignedassigningboughtbrightcampaigncaughtdesigndesigneddesigningdiaphragmeighteightyfightflightforeignerfoughtfraughtgnarlygnatgnawgnomeheighthighknightlightmightnaughtynightoughtreignresignrightsightsignsignsignagesigningsoughttaughttightweight

What words begin with a silent g?

Some examples of words that begin with a silent "g" are gnome, gnaw, and gnash.

Why does sign have silent G?

The "g" in the word "sign" is silent because it follows the letter "i." In English, when "g" follows "i," it is usually silent. This pattern is seen in many other words as well, such as "gnat," "gnome," and "gnaw."

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Does crumble have a silent consonant?

Many words have a silent consonant

Does resign have a silent g?

Yes, resign has a silent 'g'.

Words with a silent letter?

Silent consonants are also common, such as the "b" in "bomb", the "w" in "wright", the "k" in "knitting", the "n" in "damn", the "p" in "psychology", the "g" in "gnaw", and the "c" in "arctic" (sometimes).

Silent h words?

There are many silent h words such as herb. Other silent h words include honor, honest, hour, rhyme, and thyme.

Can you suggest me 5 words which have silent G?

gnarly gnarled gnu phlegm sign