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Congestive heart failure and other cardiac diseases may be indicated on the view of a heart and lung in a chest radiograph.

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Q: How may cardiac diseases be diagnosed from a chest x ray?
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What pulmonary disorders are diagnosed from a chest x ray?

These many diseases are related to exposure to substances (such as asbestos fibers), may be detected as increased prominence of the interstitial pattern, often in the lower portions of the lungs.

How does chest pain associated with a respiratory disorder differ from chest pain of cardiac origin?

Cardiac pain may go along your left arm. Respiratory pain does not. I think cardiac pain is cosidered much sharper too.

How is a cold sore diagnosed?

It can be diagnosed and treated by the family doctor, dermatologists (doctors who specialize in skin diseases) and infectious disease specialists. Laboratory tests may be performed to look for the virus.

What other uses do chest x rays have?

To see objects that may have been swallowed, and to evaluate various diseases. Also used to verify correct placement of chest tubes or catheters and to check for fluid surrounding the lungs.

How is pleurisy diagnosed?

To diagnose the illness that is causing pleurisy, doctors must evaluate the patient's history, additional symptoms, and laboratory test results. A chest x ray may also be taken

What is the expected aftercare for a patient who has had heart surgery for congenital defects?

the patient goes to an intensive care unit for continued cardiac monitoring. The patient may also require continued ventilator support. Chest tubes allow blood to be drained from inside the chest as the surgical site heals.

What causes fluttering in the chest followed immediately by a cough?

This could be a sign of a serious heart condition. It may be that you are having a cardiac arrhythmia that is affecting your pulmonary function. You should see your doctor right away.

What disease would effect the cardiac muscle?

Many diseases and conditions affect the cardiac muscle. Conditions that directly affect the cardiac muscle include cardiomyopathies, chaga's disease, ischemia, septic shock, and others. Diabetes, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis, sarcoid, amyloidosis, and other entities may influence the cardiac muscle indirectly.This question is really too broad to answer effectively and efficiently. Perhaps you had something specific in mind?

What diseases may be diagnosed by undergoing an abdominal examination?

Appendicitis is the main disease that an abdominal extermination is used to detect. However, an abdominal examination may not be linked to a specific disease, as it is often performed during a general check up.

You had blonde highlights today now you are short of breath and your chest feels heavy?

Probably not related to your hair treatment. However, shortness of breath and heaviness in the chest may be signs of a cardiac problem. Depending on your age and the state of your health, this merits a call to your doctor at least, and perhaps a trip to the ER.

Is it normal to feel your heartbeat when lying down?

See a doctor immediately! No, I would not think this is normal. The key here is the pain you feel in your chest.Awareness of your heartbeat can be a simple(ish) sign of anxiety, or can be due to cardiac causes which are mostly benign. The pain in your chest may also be due to the effects of anxiety, but any chest pain needs to be checked out.I am a cardiac patient so I know the need to respect the heart and look after it...

How is diphtheria diagnosed?

to rule out other diseases that may cause fever and sore throat, such as infectious mononucleosis, a sinus infection, or strep throat. The most important single symptom that suggests diphtheria is the membrane.