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Greenhouse gases released by humans are causing global warming. Global warming is causing climate change. Both of these conditions are having a seriously negative effect on life on Earth.

Animal and plant species are dying if they can't move to cooler climates. Heat waves are killing more people, especially the very old and very young. Famines in parts of Africa are killing thousands of people. Coastal areas, cities as well as croplands, are becoming more in danger from storm tides as sea levels rise from melting glaciers and warming expanding oceans.

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Q: How might the greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere by human activity have a negative effect on life on Earth?
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How can human activities alter the atmosphere?

Human activities can alter the atmosphere because of greenhouse gasses and aerosols. The greenhouse gasses that are released due to human activities include methane, nitrous oxide, halocarbons, and carbon dioxide.

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no, they are currently accumulating in the atmosphere as more are being released than absorbed by the earth.

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Greenhouse gas hurts the environment by warming up the atmosphere. When Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane are released, they warm up the temperatures, which aids in global warming.

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Pollution is released into the atmosphere. ..

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When we began to seriously burn fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) we released billions of tones of EXTRA carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This changed the natural greenhouse effect to an enhanced, or accelerated greenhouse effect.

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Burning fossil fuels contributes to climate change and are nonrenewable.

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Excess carbon gases released into the atmosphere cause additional radiation to be retained and Earth's average temperature to increase This phenomenon is known as?

the greenhouse affect

Excess carbon gases released into the atmosphere cause additional radiation to be retained and Earth's average temperature to increase. This phenomenon is known as?

the greenhouse affect

What does methane do to the environment?

methane is a greenhouse gas .. it locks the sun's energy in the atmosphere