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the southern colonies' cash crops required a great deal of difficult work to grow and harvest.

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wtf yurhh so inmature for putting ryan is gay!

is a matter in fact yuuh might be the GAY one!

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Q: How might the southern colonies' reliance on slave labor eventually cause problems?
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How might southern colonies reliance on slave labor eventually cause problems?

the southern colonies' cash crops required a great deal of difficult work to grow and harvest.

How might the southern colonies reliance on save labor eventually cause problems?

well war came, but after that they helped by planting crops

What was result of the southern colonies reliance on slave labor in the 1700s?

It was the Chinese immagrants

What was the result of the southern colonies reliance on slave labor in the 1700's?

It was the Chinese immagrants

What was the result of the Southern Colonies reliance on slave labor?

The Civil War - A war the Abraham Lincoln started (help of Frederick Douglass) to end slavery.

What did the labor shortages in the southern colonies eventually lead to be used as?

It eventually led to the creation of the Headright System in 1618, which was an attempt to eliminate the overwhelming labor shortages in the colonies, particularly in the South.

What was the one result of the southern colonies reliance on slave labor?

The Civil War - A war the Abraham Lincoln started (help of Frederick Douglass) to end slavery.

What were the problems England had with Southern Colonies?

because of trade the relation wasgood if a little newtral

What southern colonies?

the southern colonies were places.

Did all the southern colonies eventually came to rely on staple crop plantation agriculture for their economic prosperity?


What are the Three regions of colonies?

the new England colonies, the middle colonies, and the southern colonies

How did southern colonies cook?

how did people in the southern colonies cook