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How molecules in the air cause air resistance?

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Q: How molecules in the air cause air resistance?
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How do molecules in air cause air resistance?

Molecules get in the way. When something passes through the air, it has to move molecules out of the way, and they are usually pushed aside.

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What is air resistance on a car?

Air resistance is also called drag on a vehicle. When the vehicle moves forward it must push the air molecules out of the way, this causes resistance or friction. The faster the vehicle is going, the faster it is pushing the air molecules out of the way causing greater resistance.

What force slows objects moving through the air?

Air resistance

Air resistance is created by?

air molecules in the way of falling objects

What do air particles do to cause air resistance?

The molecules in air is matter and matter has a weight. Atmospheric air weighs 1.3 kg per cubic meters. It is also called friction. Friction is something that slows you down or stops you as you move, for example air and a wall. In space there is a vacuum. Vacuum means that there is nothing any where at all. In other words, no air resistance or resistance of any kind/no friction.

How does tempreture affect resistance?

Temperature has a positive relation on resistance. This is because as the temperature gets higher, the molecules in the surface move more, which will cause more resistance since the molecules will be moving and bumping into things.

What do air particles do to cause air resistances?

When a parachutist is falling with his parachute open, he is hitting air molecules. Imagine he is going at 1 cm/s, he is hitting 1 cubic cm of air molecules per second. If he goes at 2 cm/s, then he is hitting 2 cubic cm of air per second. This increases the air resistance. So as his speed increases, so does the amount of cubic cm of air molecules.

What is the force air resistance?

Air resistance is a friction force, the flow of air over a surface will cause friction and produce drag. Thanks

Why do molecules in the air cause air resistance?

Imagine trying to calmly proceed through a moonbounce full of sugar-high first graders. There will be some collision. The object (you) moving through the air (moonbounce) will lose momentum because of these collisions.

The constant motion of air molecules cause?

air pressure

What slows moving objects through the air?

Air resistance. The fact that air molecules have to get out of the way to allow an object to pass slow the object.