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You would be passed out and thus not able to pull the trigger.

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Q: How much alcohol would one have to consume to not feel getting shot with a 9mm?
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How will you feel if you take asparin while consuming alcohol?

You will not feel anymore different unless you consume a lot of alcohol and get intoxicated. But, there is a high risk of getting ulcers in your stomach while taking NSAIDs and alcohol at the same time.

What are peer pressures associated with alcohol?

people can feel pressured in to drinking alcohol and getting drunk jsut because other people and their friends are doin so.

What are some symptoms from drinking mouthwash?

It has over 20 percent alcohol in it. So I'd have to say you would feel the effects of alcohol, and common side effects are a little gas and diarrhea. Depends on the amount you consume i suppose. Anyone that says it will kill you and cause disease is either trying to scare you or is suffering from a mental illness.

Can you consume alcohol while taking apo-pen vk penicillin for an abscess?

Alcohol would probably be fine with penicillin, however you should be careful because it can make you feel the effects of the alcohol faster than normal. The "apo" before the "pen vk" just refers to the manufacturer Apotex. Lord knows if you have an absess you are probable experiencing some discomfort, so, be careful if you use Tylenol or Motrin. Taking pain relievers with alcohol is probably more dangerous than penicillin.

What is the cns classification of alcohol?

Alcohol is classified as a CNS depressant. Not that it makes you feel depressed or sad but that it lowers the activity of the CNS so our thoughts and reactions are not as quick as they would be when not under the influence of alcohol.

Will alcohol help people sleep?

Yes. ETOH (alcohol) will alter the amount of REM sleep you get. You tend to stay in shallower states of sleeping while drunk, hence the reason many still feel tired after a night of drinking even if they do sleep.

Can you consume alcohol after having the contraceptive implant fitted?

I had the implant fitted and i drank alcohol it made me go dizzy and feel really sick and before it i was brilliant at handling my drink so i thought it was linked with it but that is just my experience hope this helped

How much alcohol would it take you to get drunk?

It depends on the type of person. Most people after almost 9-10 beers are drunk. If you feel your self getting dizzy then your almost drunk 1 or 2 more beers will do the trick.

What does it feel like to have a blood alcohol level of 2.7?

The DUI limit in most states is .08, at .27 most people pass out, .3 you have alcohol poisoning, much more than that and anyone but the dedicated alchy is dead. At 2.7 you would be embalmed enough to sit on display for a while before getting buried.

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of course you would feel tired but your getting payed so drink caffeine

Do spiders feel?

yes spiders do feel because how do the know if they are getting smashed or not . That would be akward if they couldn't feel a foot or something smashing it

What's the What is the difference between buzzed and drunk?

Getting high is when you breath in or inhale weed or other smoke-able drugs which makes you feel good inside. And getting drunk is when you consume alcohol which can make you feel good or bad, it depends on the kind of person you are. You can feel tipsy and sway back and forth and have blurred vision and you don't really have a good sense of motor skills and decision making.