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It is measured by 1 CC per 10 lbs. Look on the bottle to make sure, because different Mg means different doses. It should say that on the back, if not it will tell you how much per 10 or 5 pounds. If it 1:10 then it needs 3 CC or ml of it.

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What weight should a miniature schnauzer be?

A Miniature Schnauzer should weigh about 11 to 20 pounds when it gets mature. Make sure that this breed gets proper diet, training, grooming..etc to be in good shape. Here's more information about it,

What if your toy schnauzer weighs 8 pounds at 4 months how much bigger will he get?

There really isn't such thing as a "toy" schnauzer. They are just really small miniature Schnauzers. If they are 6 months old and weighs 6 pounds, she will gain weight. The only thing that will stop growing is her height. She should stop growing height wise around 1 year of age. She will always gain or lose weight. By full grown, she should weigh at least 10 pounds.

How much should my 3 mo old miniature schnauzer weigh?

I guess it depends some on the size it's parents are. My Miniature schnauzer weighed 3.4 at 11 weeks.

How much do miniature Schnauzer puppies cost to purchase?

The cost of purchasing miniature Schnauzer puppies depends on if you get them at a shelter, breeder or someone looking to get rid of them. Cost can vary from $50 to $250.

Is 20 lbs to much for a miniature schnauzer to weigh?

No. This weight is perfectly normal for a miniature schnauzer. If your schnauzer gets overweight, take him/her for a run or a walk daily and only give him/her treats or "cookies" when they "do their jobs" outside. Only feed them at about 8:00 in the morning and at 6:30 in the evening. They can gain weight easily, so make sure they don't get excessive amounts of treats. Nope. . . . This is the weighs the adult Minature Schnauzer weighs. . I have a Minature Schnauzer and she is 17 pounds and she is only 1 1/2 years old so yeah this is a good weight for the Minature Schnauzer . . :-)

How much do miniature schnauzer cost in th UK?

It depends from who and where you buy the miniature Schnauzer. The miniature Schnauzer i bought was. £800. Its definitely worth the price though. It also depends if the breed of dog you want to buy is in fashion or not, because a higher price will be charged if they are in fashion. Like with french Bulldogs, the normal price is around £1000-£1500 because their in fashion.

What if your miniature Schnauzer is not as energetic as she used to be?

This is normal. My Schnauzer used to be really hyper as a pup, but now he is older and calmed down. He still gets hyper every once in a while in the yard, but not much.

How much do miniature shih tzus weigh?

9-16 pounds

How much does a min pin weight?

A normal size miniature pinsher should weigh at 10 to 15 pounds. My 7 month old miniature pinsher weighs 10 pounds.

Is 14 pounds at 7 months good for a Mini Schnauzer?

Nooooooooooooo! that pup is obese! i have a two yr old mini schnauzer that ways that much. if i were u i would cut way down on their food our go to ur vet and ask him/her about it. When Sam ( my mini schnauzer) was that old she weighed about 8 pounds. good luck with ur pup.

Is mini schnauzer 14 pounds at 7 months normal?

Nooooo! u need to put ur pup on a diet and fast. That's how much my 2 yr old Mini Schnauzer weighs

How much does a giant schnauzer cost?

Sorry, there is no such thing as a toy Schnauzer, unless you're looking at a plush toy. Schnauzers come in three sizes - Miniature, Standard, and Giant. Toyish characteristics - round head, short muzzle, bug eyes - are extreme faults in Schnauzers and no one respecting the quality and history of the Schnauzer would breed for them.