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Benadryl is a brand name for an anti-histamine (diphenhydramine). Although it is considered fairly safe for use in dogs and cats, please be aware that it does have potential adverse side effects. It may interact with other meds that your pet is taking, so do not use it without first consulting your veterinarian. You should also use extreme caution using Benadryl in dogs that have glaucoma, prostatic disease, cardiovascular disease or hyperthyroidism.

Benadryl is quite effective when used in proper dosages.

Stops itching

Controls vomiting

Good for motion sickness

Can be used as a mild tranquilizer

Good for snake bites

Useful for vaccination reactions

Good for bee stings and insect bites

Be sure to use only the plain Benadryl formula. Giving benadryl with other combination of meds could be fatal, so be sure to read the box.

Liquid Benadryl is too high in alcohol content to be safely used for animals. Please use capsule or pill form.

Dosage every 8 hours

Dogs under 30 lbs and Cats : 10 mg

Dogs 30-50 lbs: 25 mg

Dogs over 50 lbs: 50 mg

Additionally, the dosing for dogs (puppies) is 1-3 mg/kg by mouth every 8-12 hours.

Overdosing my cause excitation and seizures, or induce coma. So, it is recommended you start with a low dose and end with a higher dose.

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15y ago

Why are you giving the puppy benedryl? he's quite young for it, did the vet tell you to give it to your dog? What are you using the benendryl for?

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14y ago

Give 0.5 mg per pound every 4-6 hours.

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How much benadryl do I give a 4 month old puppy?

Age is not a factor when giving Benadryl to dogs. The factor is the weight of the dog. The rule is that your dog should have no more than 1mg (milligram) of Benadryl per lb (pound) of weight. So if your dog is 5lbs, that would be no more than 5mg. You should consult a vet first, however, as it is possible for dogs to be allergic to the medication.

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You give the exact amount prescribed by your veterinarian. If your veterinarian has not prescribed penicillin for your puppy, you should not give any to your puppy. Penicillin is a drug with known side effects, including severe gastrointestinal bacterial infections from killing off the beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Can I give my 12 pound pomeranian a half of a tablet of Benadryl?

No, this would be a very high dose. Call your veterinarian and ask how much Benadryl to give your dog.

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Bathe the puppy in oatmeal shampoo or a mild shampoo, you can use Benadryl but it is best to ask a veterinarian how much to use, because a human dosage can kill a puppy. So please call a vet.

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Please DO NOT give a puppy human medication. It can harm the puppy.

How much benadryl ml can i give y dog?

1ml of benadryl can have a dog for each pound.

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None, what is wrong with puppy?

How much is a tamaskan puppy?

A four month old tamaskan puppy is about $800 ( You can buy one from, that's where I got my dog )

How much Benadryl can you give a dog that weighs 2lbs?

one milligram per pound.

Is 450mg of Benadryl twice a day too much for a horse?

If you have a question about giving your horse medicine, ask your vet. If he says to give Benadryl, then he should tell you how much. The amount of medicine to give depends on the breed and size of the horse.

How much benadryl should you give your 20 lbs dog?

You should ask a veterinarian. They will tell you the proper form of benadryl, and the dosage depending on the animal's size.

How much weights a 4 month male rottweiler puppy?

43-50lbs is the average.