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i would say about 1500 times or possibly more

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13y ago

The heart should pump your entire blood supply several times a day. Which is about 5 liters of blood.

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Q: How much blood does an adult heart pump everyday?
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How much blood does an adult heart pump every?

400 thousand a day

An adult male's heart pumps about 2.8 million liters og blood a year if his heart beats 70 times a much blood does his heart pump with each beat?

0.076 no steps lmafo xD

How much blood does an adult pump in a lifetime?

If you live to be 70 years old,your heart will have pumped approximately 191,625,000 gallons of blood. Have a great day, cmf3225

Why is the fetal heart rate markedly faster than an adult heart rate?

fetus is very small, the heart is very small so to pump enough oxygenated blood thru the developing fetus it must pump much faster than than an adult heart

How much salt should an adult have everyday?

1 cup

How much blood is in an adult body?

there is 5.6 L of blood

How much blood in an adult?

32 kg

How much blood does an adult person have?

the adult human has about 5 to 6 liters of blood

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We whit blood read blood

Why is too much fat around the heart dangerous?

Because it can block off the circulation of blood going to your heart, which can cause heart attacks.

How much blood is in a heart?

A human body contains about about 5 liters of blood (a little more than one gallon). The heart will continuously pump this amount of blood throughout the cardiovascular system (throughout the body) and through each side of the heart one time each minute. Of course, the amount of blood actually held within the heart at any given moment varies on the person (do they have a healthy or defective heart?) and the size of their heart (baby versus adult), and other factors.Based on a heart rate of 75 beats a minute and a stroke volume (amount/volume of blood pumped out by one ventricle with each heart beat) of 70 ml. per beat, the average adult cardiac output (amount of blood pumped out by each ventricle in 1 minute) is 5.25 liters per minute.Relevant link:How_much_blood_flows_through_the_heart

How much blood is in the heart?

about 200 g