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A healthy adult should drink 8 glasses of water per day.

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16y ago

10 glasses of water a day

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atleast 3 to 4 ltr per day

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Q: How much water should a person with kidney disease drink?
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Can pro hormones cause kidney pain?

Yes, some people tend to get swollen kidneys. This happens because a lot of people do not drink enough water. Kind of like creatine. Just make sure to drink plenty of water. You may be experiencing some lower back pains if they are effecting your kidneys. Just be sure to drink lots and lots of water, and It should help. If not seek some help.

What is the worst thing that can happen if a kidney infection goes untreated?

If kidney infection go untreated, you will get fever with rigors for a week or two. Kidneys have got natural outlet. So infection is washed out naturally in most of the cases. As body develops antibodies against infecting organisms, eventually. This can be hastened by giving liberal amounts of fluids to drink. Very rarely this infection will kill the person, specially old and debilitated persons.

Why shouldn't you drink out of the carton?

You risk transfer bacteria from your mouth into the beverage, where they can grow and multiply. Next person having something from that container will get a side order of your bacteria whether they want it or not. And if you carried a disease they might very well pick it up.

How long after you have a kidney infection can you consume alcohol?

Immediately...I just WOULDN'T recommend it! Alcohol acts as a diuretic, which means that it forces the kidneys to work overtime. If you've just had a kidney infection, you should let your entire body recover in peace. This means you should give your liver a break as well, as I'm sure it also has its hands full. Give your body a few weeks. I know that sounds rough (if you love to drink), but you need to let the system recover and have time to balance itself again. Obviously, you can drink at any time. It's just a matter of how much peace your willing to allow your body after such an incredible battle.

How much red wine should one drink a night to help with producing iron or red blood cells?

One should not drink wine to produce blood cells. One could drink 2-3 bottles to produce a hangover.

Related questions

What are the top rated diets for a person diagnosed with kidney disease?

you should drink two to three quarts of water per day. You should also eat foods with a lot of vitamin d as well. A third of your daily water should be drank at night.

How much soda should a person drink without getting kidney stones?

if you are talking about coke you sholden't be drinking coke at all but you can just make sure you don't drink coke 2 a day.

What should you do you have kidney pain?

Kidney pain can be a sign of serious illness such as diabetes or polycystic kidney disease, just to name a couple, both of which are potentially fatal. But since there are many causes of kidney pain, you need to see you doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Why a person who has had a kidney stone should drink large amounts of water to prevent another kidney stone forming?

There are higher chances of getting small crystal precipitated out of concentrated urine. You drink that extra water and urine will have less solutes per unit volume. because you will get more quantity of the diluted urine. So chances of kidney stone formation will be less.

Should Byron Drink?

Hell yeah, it is deff good for you. Drink on, liver disease is good for the human body.

Can a person who drinks on just weekends get liver disease?

Yes, if they drink to excess on weekends.

How much water required to a kidney stone patient?

You should drink as much water as you can. And continuing to drink a lot of water can prevent future ones, too.

How does the water you drink get to the kidney?


Can drinking coolant kill you?

YES of course. Why would a person drink antifreeze? If a dog or cat accidently drink enough antifreeze, they would suffer from kidney failure and die.

Can you drink alcohol with salofalk?

There are no drug interaction precautions. However, people with inflammatory bowel disease should not drink alcohol anyway.

How should you drink water?

8 glasses of water a day . it will flush out your kidney,quench your thirst and improve your body physically

Could drinking alcohol cause kidney pain?

well, i just got out of the hospital for a severe kidney infection... and no, you really shouldn't drink alcahol while haveing a kidney infection, ive done lots of research cause i was freaked when i found out how bad mine was. the alcahol can cause the infection to worsen, they tell you to drink cranberry juice because it does not alow to baciria to stick to the walls of the kidney, alcahol will do the oposite, so stay clear of the drink till your all healed up is my advice:) well, i just got out of the hospital for a severe kidney infection... and no, you really shouldn't drink alcahol while haveing a kidney infection, ive done lots of research cause i was freaked when i found out how bad mine was. the alcahol can cause the infection to worsen, they tell you to drink cranberry juice because it does not alow to baciria to stick to the walls of the kidney, alcahol will do the oposite, so stay clear of the drink till your all healed up is my advice:)