

How much do jacksons chameleon weigh?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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10y ago

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Cant determin, depends on the subspecies and the way you keep them.

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10y ago

They weigh 1.5 pounds.

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Q: How much do jacksons chameleon weigh?
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How much can an average chameleon weigh?

each chameleon weighs differently then others beause they are all different sizes

What is a jacksons's chameleon?

Cant determin, depends on the subspecies and the way you keep them.

How much does a average chameleon weigh?

90 to 120 grams for a female and 100 to 200 for a malechameleon

Does a Jacksons Chameleon live in a desert?

No. They are indigenous to the cooler, more humid regions of Tanzania and Kenya.

How many tails does a chameleon have?

A chameleon has 4 heart chambers.

Can chameleons live anywhere else?

There are some feral populations of chameleons in the US for example. You have Jacksons chameleon thriving in Hawaii.

Why do jacksons chameleon have horns?

so it' can pertend it's a tree branch (or so it's meal think it's a tree branch

How many chameleons does a chameleon give birth to?

Most chameleons lay eggs. One that doesn't is the Jacksons Chameleon. It gives live birth to about 4 or 5 babies.

How much do chameleons weigh?

90 to 120 grams for a female and 100 to 200 for a male chameleon keep in mind that the weight depends on the breed and age of the chameleon

How much does a chameleon way?

64 grams...

Was Michael JACKSONS childhood taken from him?

Pretty much.