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It weighs 10 milligrams.

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Q: How much does a single 10 mg methadone pill weigh?
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How long does a 10 mg methadone pill last?

Methadone is not intended to create a euphoric effect. If euphoria occurs this can indicate that you are taking too much methadone.

What happens if the baby accidentally eats a methadone pill?

take baby to ER immediately! how the heck does the baby get a methadone pill??

How long does an individual need to be on methadone for pain pill addiction?

Methadone is for people who need help getting off heroin/opiates. For pain(methadone) pill addiction depends on the doctor. They also use methadone as a pain killer.

Does methadone liquid and pill form show up identical in a drug screen?

No, both forms of methadone will show up as methadone on a urine drug test.

Can you get addicted to methadone from one pill?

Not likely.

Can methadone be crushed?

Yes, a methadone pill may be cut if a lower dose is required.

Is 50mg of liquid methadone the same as 50mg methadone pill?

Some people say there the same, but in my opinion the wafer(pill) i think is stronger & holds you longer.

Does liquid methadone show up the same on a urine test as pill form?

YES! If you take methadone pill or liquid, It will show up as methadone in your urine drug test or in a blood drug test. Its still methadone either way you take it.

How exactly do you smoke a 10mg methadone pill?

Crush the pill up, put the powder on foil and smoke it.

If you take methadone then shot another pill will you go into immediate withdrawal?

no unless that pill just happens to be suboxone.

Is methadone and molly the same pill?

No. Molly is a mdma

Can you parachute methadone?

Indeed you can ... You can parachute any powder substance .. methadone doesnt have much of a time release mechanism anyways so regardless if you swallow it whole or parachute it you would almost certainly get the same effect ... but if youre going to chew the methadone just go ahead and parachute because when you chew a pill alot of it gets caught in your teeth parachuting will allow you to get all of the pill down your stomach intact !! ps. NEVER SNORT METHADONE .. YOU WILL BE SORRY : )