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Q: How much energy is produced each year in the UK from burnig coal?
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How much energy is produced each year in the UK from burning coal?

alot £5.87

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How much coal is produced each year?

In 2003, excluding lignite, total of 5,118,800,000 tons of coal was produced around the world.

How are coal and solar energy simliar?

The only thing similar is each produces energy. The coal is the dirtiest form while solar is the cleanest.

How much uranium can be produced in comparison to other energy sources?

The production of uranium in each year is extremely small compared with the production of coal, oil, methane; but the most important is the energy obtained per unity of mass.

What are the benefits of Coal each type of energy?

Cheap and readily available, high energy value per unit, existing technology

How much energy is produced by electrical energy?

If efficiency is 100%, each Joule of electrical energy is converted into one Joule of another type of energy.

Why do power plants rely on nuclear Energy?

To produce energy more than any other source can produce. A handful of Uranium can produce enough energy as the same as 4000 Train Load of coal [Given that each train load has around 15,000 Tons of Coal.]

The efficiency of each stage of energy production can be determined by?

The efficiency of each stage of energy production can be determined by measuring the net amount of ATP produced. During the initial steps of respiration there is a net of 2 ATP, by the oxidative phase there is a net of 36 ATP produced.

Can wind energy replace or reduce the use of fossil fuels?

Wind energy is already used to supply some of the electric power that would otherwise be produced by burning fossil fuels. As of 2010, the 8 largest onshore wind farms in the US each have a capacity of more than 450 Megawatt. When the wind blows, those wind farms produce electricity that would otherwise be produced by burning coal or natural gas.

How much of the world's energy comes from coal?

According to the US Institute for Energy Research, coal in 2005 was responsible for 26% of global energy production. This percentage is dropping each year as more countries and power plants move to oil and gas, the burning of which releases less harmful carbon dioxide emissions than coal. There is movement too in the establishment of renewable energy power (solar, wind, water, hydro, tidal and wave, geothermal, ocean thermal, biomass and biofuel).

What will happen if antimatter of your body comes in front of you?

both will collide with each other and energy produced due to which blast happened