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What ever the wattage rating stated on the light is, this is the amount of energy you are using.

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Q: When you leave your lights on when you are not home how much electricity do you waste?
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How is nuclear energy wasted at home?

The only nuclear energy we use in the home is through electricity, a proportion of which is produced by nuclear plants. So it amounts to how much electricity you waste, for example leaving lights on in unoccupied rooms, unnecessary heating or cooling, leaving your computer on 24/7, and so on.

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You can find home lights that do not use much electricity by goign to any walmart or home depot and look for love energy electric bulbs or if you want to spend more money there are more products there

What are some of the things that electricity can be use for in the home?

TV, lights, appliances, heat, cooking, refrigeration and on and on.

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solar power is used for powering your lights or anything in your home that runs on electricity

How do you deal with home electricity?

If you mean "How do you work with home electricity?" then the answer is always in a de-energized condition. No one is impressed if you work equipment "HOT" especially the people you leave behind.

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The advantage of Christmas lights running on batteries is that they will not be pulling electricty for your home's power supply. This means that your Christmas lights will not add to your monthly electricity bill.

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we do not leave the home for other animals and waste are natural recorses

Should you leave your outside lights on at night?

Get your outside lights hooked up to a motion detector. The lights will come on only if it detects motion very close to your home. It is not very expensive to do.

What is the most common electricity uses at home?

Running Refrigerator, lights and fans, television, computer, toaster and washing machine

Where can one purchase battery powered lights?

Battery-powered lights such as flashlights and motion-activated spotlights can be useful in places electricity isn't available. These lights can be purchased in department stores such as Amazon and hardware stores such as Home Depot.