

Best Answer

The speed of light in vacuum is 299,792,118 meters/secondfaster than the speed of sound at sea level.

That's about 186,282 miles per hour faster.

The speed of light is roughly 874 thousand times faster than the speed of sound.

I hope that's simple enough for you.

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Q: How much faster does the speed of light travel than the speed of sound a simple answer?
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Do sound waves or light waves travel faster?

In air, light waves travel about 871 thousand times faster than sound waves.

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No light travels way faster

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Sound requires the physical motion of material. Light doesn't.

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Light waves travel faster than sound waves.

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No matter what you do to either of them, light is always going to travel at least several hundred times as fast as sound, and most generally about 800 thousand times as fast as sound. Sound will never travel faster than light, in any situation.

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light travel faster than sound. see in real life we see lightning first then we hear the thunder.

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Sound does not travel in a vacuum. It needs a medium in which to travel (unlike light) and so sound cannot travel in a vacuum. However, in a solid sound travels faster than in air.