

How much food Brazil provide or produce?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: How much food Brazil provide or produce?
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How much coffee does Brazil produce?

Brazil produces a lot of coffee, which is exported all over the world. The country produces approximately 3 billion kilograms of coffee per year.

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Brazil is the top-producing country for sugar. In 2011, Brazil produced 734,000 thousand metric tons of sugarcane. Brazil uses sugarcane to produce sugar and ethanol.

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When the total cost of producing the food exceeds - or is even equal to - the cost of producing it, it costs too much to produce it.

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The amount of corn produced by Brazil in the 2012-2013 growing season was around 76 million tons. Other important crops grown in Brazil are soybeans and coffee.

Does Brazil send coffee to Mexico?

I'm guessing yes, since Brazil produces so much coffee in the first place. Mexico does produce plenty of their own, but much of it is exported and they do import some coffee.

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They produce abut 3 pints of milk in brazil becuase the cow are to skinny and if they take more than 3 they will die and there will be less milk. :(

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Brazil is such famous destination for travelling in the whole world. There are many luxurious hotels in brazil which provide lots of facility and ultimate services as well as given best discount offer to tourist.

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Would there be as much food production if there were fewer people in the world?

no , if there are less people it means they dont have to produce for them. And less people will produce food smile* wiink*

How much food and water do they have in Brazil?

Amazon River the 1o. in the World in Volume water Food is plenty meanwhile

How much food is there in Brazil?

A lot......all k.....Portugues food...Italian food...Chinese food...japonese food...American food too ...Mcdonald's...... Pizzarias etc.........they don't have Mexican food......