

How much francium is in a bomb?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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8y ago

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A francium bomb cannot exist.

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Q: How much francium is in a bomb?
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Has a Francium bomb ever been made?

Possibly, though francium is too rare and its half-life too short for it to have any practical uses, there may have been a Francium Bomb tested in the Pacific.

How much francium can you buy with 100?

Francium is not a commercial product.

Why does francium react so much?

The chemistry of francium is practically unknown.

How much does francium cost for one gram?

Francium is not a commercial product.

How much does francium cost for 1 gram?

Francium is not a commercial material.

How much francium is used each year?

Francium is not a commercial product and hasn't practical applications today.

How much francium is in the whole world?

It is estimated that the Earth crust contain approx. 30 g francium.

How much francium is there?

Francium is so rare its unable to be bought

What element has a low melting point francium or plantinum?

The metal francium has a much lower melting point than platinum has.

How was francium named francium?

Francium was named after France, the country it was dicovered in.

Is francium combustible?

Not known today but probably francium don't burn.

How easy is it to cut francium?

Francium is extremely unstable. The most stable isotope of francium has a half-life of only about 22 minutes. Other isotopes of francium have half-lives measured in microseconds. Scientists predict there is less than one ounce of francium in Earth's crust at any one time. Because of this instablilty, it would be much easier to go get a cup of coffee and wait for francium to cut itself apart.