

How much hay does a horse need daily?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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14y ago

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Horses should eat between 1.5 to 3 % of their bodyweight, that's 15 to 30 pounds of food a day for a 1,000 pound horse.(453.5 kg horse = 6.8-13.6 kg of feed daily).

Horses will consume 0.5 to 1.0% per 100 pounds of bodyweight in water daily (45.3 kg bodyweight) so for a 1,000 pound horse that's 5-10 gallons a day (18.9- 37.8 liters) however this amount will double if not triple in hot weather or after moderate or harder work.

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14y ago

This can vary greatly depending on the horse's size, health and metabolism. But as an average, an adult quarter horse will eat 2 to 4 flakes of hay a day. If he has a large pasture it can be less.

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11y ago

It truly depends on the type of riding that you are doing. If you are just going for a leisurely trail ride at the walk you can lose about 150 to 200 calories/hour. If you are trotting, you can lose around 300 to 500 calories/hour, more if you are posting (or rising) to the trot. If you are doing barrel racing, jumping, or riding at a faster pace, you are more likely to lose up to 700 calories/hour.

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15y ago

That depends on the activity level and size of the horse.

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19.8 pounds of hay

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Depends on the weight of the horse, the age of the horse, how hard the horse is working, the type of grain, and how well they keep their weight on just hay. The nutritional value of the hay your horse is being fed can also affect how much grain your horse needs. If you are trying to put weight on, the horse generally needs more grain. If you're trying to reduce the weight of your horse, they generally need less or none at all. If a horse is not being worked at all, they do not need grain unless they cannot keep weight on with out it.

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A horse should get between 1.5 and 2% of his body weight in quality forage (hay or pasture) everyday. So a 1,000 lb horse would get between 15 and 20 lbs of hay or pasture.

Will peanut hay founder a horse?

Any hay can founder a horse, it is not what the horse eats but how much it eats. Some feed can founder a horse faster than others. Peanut hay is one of those.

If a horse needs 2.2 pounds of hay per 100 pounds of body weight per day how much hay does a 900 pound horse need?

You multiply 2.2 by 9 to get 19.8lbs, or about 20lbs.

What are the answers to these questions 1 - If a horse needs 2.2 pounds of hay per 100 pounds of body weight per day how much hay does a 900 pound horse need in a day?

howrse: 19.8 poundsIt depends on how much work the horse is doing and how much other food its getting.

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hay and fruit manily

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No second cut hay often has more nutrients in it than first cut hay. But if the horse is overweight or not working much then first cut hay would be better if the horse will eat it.

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