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In terms of grooming, Labradors are very low maintenance dogs. They only need a brushing every now and then, when you notice they are shedding a lot. And a bath about every 3 or 4 months if that.

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Q: How much is grooming for a labrador?
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Is the Labrador Retriever easy to groom?

Yes, the Labrador Retriever has a sleek, shorthaired coat that does not require much grooming and maintenance. However, this breed sheds heavily, and its fur sticks easily to furniture and clothing. The Labrador's shedding coat also makes it unsuitable as a pet for people allergic to dogs.

What breed of dog do you think is best for a begginer pet keeper?

I think Pug, Basset Hound,Labrador Retriever,Thesebreeds are easy to train and do not need much grooming.

What are labrador retrivers survival needs?

Plenty of fresh food and water, grooming often, medicine, shots, worming pills....etc.

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Do Labrador retrievers shed fur?

With little or no grooming, labs will shed a lot. If they are brushed or combed every day they will not shed so much

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What tools are used for grooming labs?

You can brush your dog with a wire brush, I dont recommend shaving your Labrador or trimming its toenails at home, but if you would like to do either, take him or her to the groomers at Petsmart

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The coat does require grooming once a week with a little baby powder, comb and brush.

How much does a labrador cost?

up to 650 pounds

Do labradoodles shed like labrador retrievers?

Designer dogs... bleh. Typically a Labrador/Poodle mix will retain the Poodle coat and will shed very little. On the other hand they will require regular grooming. On the other hand, Labradors really only shed twice a year, when they are throwing their undercoats in the winter and summer.

Does an Ibizan Hound require a lot of grooming?

No, the Ibizan Hound has a sleek coat which does not require much grooming. Brushing it weekly should be fine.

Do Newfoundland dogs shed as much as Labrador retrievers?

Yes, much more.