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2 to the power of 48 bytes

which is

2^48 = 281474976710656 bytes

274877906944 kilobytes

268435456 megabytes

262144 gigabytes

256 terabytes

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Q: How much memory can a 48-bit memory register address?
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Is cache memory faster than CPU registers?

what is the difference between cache & register ? Cache memory is random access memory (RAM) that a computer microprocessor can access more quickly than it can access regular RAM. As the microprocessor processes data, it looks first in the cache memory and if it finds the data there (from a previous reading of data), it does not have to do the more time-consuming reading of data from larger memory. The register is a small set of data holding places that are part of a computer processor . A register may hold a computer instruction , a storage address, or any kind of data (such as a bit ..."

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One large modern computer has a 36-bit memory address register. How much memory can this computer address?

All else being equal, it can address 2^36 words of memory, or 68,719,476,736 words (64 gigawords). If it's a "modern" computer, it probably has 8-bit words, so that's 64 gigabytes. If the word size is also 36 bits (as was common in computers in the '50s and '60s), it can address 2,473,901,162,496 bits, or 309,237,645,312 eight-bit bytes (288 gigabytes).

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What are the differences between main memory and register?

Registers are very small but are extremely fast. RAM is much larger and smaller memory that applications use as a scratch space.

What is size of data bus and the address bus in 8085?

A 16-bit uP operates on instructions and data in 16-bit quantities. Therefore the databus is 16-bits. A 16-bit uP may also operate on larger quantities of data, however multiple CPU registers must be concatenated in order to maintain the data element in the uP register space. The data is always delivered to the processor 16 bits at a time. The amount of memory which it can address is a separate issue---the address bus size is totally distinct from the data bus size. The data bus determines how much memory may be delivered to the uP per cycle. The address bus size determines how much physical memory may actually be accessed by the uP. Therefore it is variable depending on how much memory is available. Typical systems today have 32-bit address busses which limit addressable memory to 4Gigabytes. (2^32) = 4G.

What is the meaning of register in computer?

A register is a area of memory that lives within the processor that doesn't store much but compared to other types of memory is very fast. Because of this, it's generally not accessible to end-users because it's constantly being used by the processor to follow instructions.

A Explain the use of Code Segment CS and data segment DS register in 8086 microprocessor?

Code segment (CS) is a 16-bit register containing address of 64 KB segment with processor instructions. The processor uses CS segment for all accesses to instructions referenced by instruction pointer (IP) register. CS register cannot be changed directly. The CS register is automatically updated during far jump, far call and far return instructions. Data segment (DS) is a 16-bit register containing address of 64KB segment with program data. By default, the processor assumes that all data referenced by general registers (AX, BX, CX, DX) and index register (SI, DI) is located in the data segment. DS register can be changed directly using POP and LDS instructions. Code segment (CS) is a 16-bit register containing address of 64 KB segment with processor instructions. The processor uses CS segment for all accesses to instructions referenced by instruction pointer (IP) register. CS register cannot be changed directly. The CS register is automatically updated during far jump, far call and far return instructions. Data segment (DS) is a 16-bit register containing address of 64KB segment with program data. By default, the processor assumes that all data referenced by general registers (AX, BX, CX, DX) and index register (SI, DI) is located in the data segment. DS register can be changed directly using POP and LDS instructions.

Why is physical address space is larger than physical memory?

Address space refers to how much memory you could potentially talk to so for instance a 32bit processor has a 32 bit addres space i.e. 2^32 = 2 x 2 x 2 ..... 32 times which equals 4294967296 - this is 4Gigabytes. The physical memory is how much memory you have installed so this could be anything up to 4GB. Any memory above 4GB would no be able to be used by the processor.

18 address lines is how much memory?

to find the memory from address lines. you just have to make address liness power of 2, as shown below for 12 address lines 212 bits. 212 = 22 * 210 = 4 Kbthat means we can address 4 Kb from 12 address lines.........

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