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She earned a doctorate in ethology from the University of Cambridge in 1964.

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13y ago

On wikipedia, it says that she went to the University of Cambridge. She also studied chimps for 45 years.

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30 billion a year

What did Jane Goodall accomplish in her life?

Jane did something that no one did before. She became friends with chimpanzees and studied them so she could prove to the world that chimps were almost human becuase they are so much like us. They use tools, they build homes, they clean and bathe themselves, they have emotions, and much, much more.

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Jane Goodall is still alive today that is good she is 77 years old this year they are probaly having a big party for Jane Goodall

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Is Jane Goodall a role model or a hero?

Jane Goodall is one of the first people to study chimps in their own habitat.She was known as one of Leakey's Angels, along with Dianne Fossey who studied gorillas and Birute Galdikas who studied orangutans.She has been part of one of the longest running primate studies in the world.She is a primatologist ,conservationist,humanitarian,animals rights supporter and vegetarian and so much more. So yes she did.

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Jane Goodall is still alive. Since she's been alive since 1934, many interesting events have happened. For instance, World War 2, the Vietnam War, 13 US Presidents have been in office, the first Gulf War, the current war in the Middle East, and much, much more.

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