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During prenatal development in mammals, the umbilical cord connects the fetus to the placenta. In humans, the umbilical cord, or birth cord, is about 20 inches long, and is generally clamped and cut at the newborn infant's navel between 1 and 5 minutes after birth.

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Q: How much of the umbilical cord gets cut off at birth?
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How a fetus gets its food?

Through the umbilical cord, attached to the mother. the fetus eats what the mother eats... pretty much.

Why is the umbilical cord usually curled in utero?

it serveves the much needed flexibility

Do dogs have umbilical cords?

Yes. Each puppy will have his own umbilical cord and his own placenta. When the pup is born the mother dog will use her teeth to severe the umbilical cord. She will usually then eat the placenta. It is important when a mother dog is giving birth to make sure that all of the placentas come out. If a placenta is left inside the mother dog it can make her sick or even kill her.

Why is the umbilical cord purple?

well, Some experts think that too much alcohol can actually make the umbilical cord stump stay on longer, which most parents definitely don't want. and its purple because its easy for the cord to come off hope this helps :)

Do all teenage girls have belly buttons?

The belly button is the place where your umbilical cord has been cut. The place heals and eventually what we call the "belly button" forms. The umbilical cord is pretty much a hollow cord that serves as a passageway for the vitamins and minerals from mother to the fetus.

Why does a growing fetus needs the cord?

In a sense, yes, the baby does "breathe" through the umbilical cord. The mother does the breathing for the baby and the umbilical cord carries in fresh, oxygenated blood with nutrition in it. The mother eats and breathes for the baby as well as herself.

How does human fetus get its food?

In zygote state, it receives via placenta. When in embryonic to till the end of gestation , supply is from umbelical cord.

What is avulsions of umbilical cord mean?

Umbilical cord avulsion means that the cord has been separated from the placenta proper. Usually this occurs when there is too much tension imparted on the cord during the delivery of the placenta, also known as the third stage of labor. Management would require manual extraction of the placenta, an extremely uncomfortable procedure, to say the least. Avulsion can be avoided with patience as the current guidelines allow up to 30 minutes for delivery of the placenta.

Why do boys have bellybuttons?

All placental mammals of both genders begin to develop while being attached to an umbilical cord, which breaks or is cut after birth. The belly button is the scar it leaves behind. On some species it's very visible, for others, not so much.

How much will a horse's hernia surgery cost?

My 3 month old mule just had umbilical hernia surgery. He also had an infected umbilical cord. It cost me about $600.00 including his antibiotics. I was not charged to castrate him at the same time. The cost will vary on were you are located.

Do rabbits have belly buttens?

In a way, yes. Human navels are particularly conspicuous, due to the relative size of the umbilical cord. The scar left on a rabbit when the cord is removed, heals to leave a much less noticable depression on the animal's abdomen.

Why can't a baby swim?

They actually can right after they are born and attached to mom with the umbilical cord. There is a childbirth method that is used where the woman gives birth in a tub of warm water and the baby is allowed to float/swim for a few minutes. Young children also can learn to swim much faster than an older child.