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The percentage of oxygen in water, vapors or ice is the same.

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Q: How much oxygen does it take to produce water vapor?
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When water evaporates is oxygen emitted?

No. Evaporation is when water liquid changes to water vapor. In the vapor there are still water molecules. The only sense in which there is separation is that water molecules are on average much closer together in the liquid phase than in the gas phase.

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What does water coming from exhaust pipe mean?

Not much. When the exhaust pipe is cold, water vapor will condense as the exhaust cools on the pipe. After the pipe heats up, the vapor will not condense. Remember that the combustion of hydrocarbon fuel produces both carbon dioxide AND water vapor as a normal part of the process. All gasoline engines produce water vapor and all water vapor condenses if the exhaust pipe is cool.

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In an electrolysis of water what produces more gas hydrogen or oxygen?

As each water molecule contains one atom of Oxygen and two atoms of Hydrogen you would expect electrolysis of water to produce twice as much Hydrogen as Oxygen.

How much oxygen will plants that live in water at 10C most likely produce?

the same amount of oxygen produced at 40 degrees celcius

What is the water vapor content in the air?

It means how much water vapor is suspended in the air, or how humid it is.

Volume of gas are not equal during electrolysis of water?

As one molecule of water is composed of two atoms of Hydrogen to one atom of oxygen electrolysis of water should produce twice as much Hydrogen as it does Oxygen.

Combination of oxygen and hydeogen will produce what?

It matters how much you have mixed together. say you add 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen atom, you will get water. but H2CO3is an acid.

How much oxygen do phytoplakton produce?

About 60% of our oxygen is produced by phytoplakton.

Can liquid nitrogen freeze the wind?

No. The wind is composed of a small amount of water vapor and about 20% oxygen and about 80% nitrogen. The water vapor may freeze but the oxygen and the nitrogen cannot freeze at the temperature of liquid nitrogen. Oxygen has a much lower freezing point than liquid nitrogen and if the nitrogen were to be frozen, liquid nitrogen is not cold enough to freeze it...sort of like trying to make ice using cold water.

What is the chemical makeup of makeup?

Nearly all of the Earth's atmosphere is made up of only five gases: nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, argon, and carbon dioxide. Several other compounds also are present. Although this CRC table does not list water vapor, air can contain as much as 5% water vapor, more commonly ranging from 1-3%. The 1-5% range places water vapor as the third most common gas.