

What amount of oxygen is on Mars?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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While we would find it pretty thin breathing (and poisonous, to boot!) Mars does have an atmosphere, and there IS some oxygen in it.

At its densest, Mars's atmosphere is only about 1% the density of Earth's and consists mainly of carbon dioxide (95%) and nitrogen (3%), with trace amounts of water, oxygen, hydrogen peroxide and methane having also been identified.

Earth's atmosphere, on the other hand, is mostly nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%) with 1% being a mix of hydrogen, carbon dioxide and others.

So you can see that Mars has much less atmosphere than the Earth does and oxygen make a proportionally much smaller fraction of of what there is than what we have on Earth.

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Much less than 1%. It's only about 0.15%, or less.

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There is no atmospheric oxygen, as the Martian atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide (95.3%).

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There is practically no oxygen in the very thin air of Mars. Just a little carbon dioxide.

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