

How much poo does a gerbil do?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How much poo does a gerbil do?
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What does a gerbils poo smell like?

Gerbil poo is so dry due to the gerbil's incredibly efficient water-conserving excretory system, that it practically has no smell.

Why is the gerbil pooing a lot?

Its not that the gerbil poos alot. Its just that some little girls dont clean out the poo

Why wont your gerbil go in his ball?

is not in it enough or poo house or scared

How often should a new 8 week old gerbil poo?

an 8 week old gerbil should poo often + jess is the gayest person i have ever met, she seriously NEEDS to be straightened out before tis too late + she rapes the poor 8 week old gerbil ox

How do Gerbil drink water?

Not much In human portions not alot. But a gerbil will drink as much as it can.

What are the similarities between a gerbil an guinea pig?

Both of them are rodents. they both do #1 and # 2(pee and poo) honestly!

What is cheaper a guinea pig or gerbil?

a gerbil is cheaper as its much smaller and cleaner

How much bedding do you put in a gerbil's cage?

the fatter the gerbil, the thicker the bedding.

How much does a gerbil cost at petsmart?

A gerbil will cost about 10-20 dollars.

Why wont your gerbil go in her ball?

scared or its her poo house or she is not in it enough gerbils should be in there balls 10-25 min a day

What do you do if your gerbil ate a tiny bit of orange?

It is not a good idea to feed your gerbil an orange for those who don't know.I would keep an eye on your gerbil and make sure he doesn't do it again. If your gerbil becomes snappy, woozy or less active take him to the vet's if your gerbil eats watery food it will get diarrhea

How much should an adult gerbil weigh?

Average adult gerbil weighs about 2.5 oz