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A horses age doesn't always affect the amount of food it should eat. A horse should be fed between 1% and 3% of it's bodyweight in food a day.

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Q: How much should a 36 year old horse eat?
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How much should a horse eat?

you should feed them a healthy diet of nubs, fubs, and gubbers.

How much grain should you give a 14.2 hands horse?

this mainly depends on the horse's workload... is it a hard working lesson horse? it would eat more. Is it a semi-retired horse? it would eat less.

How much fat should you eat a year?

as much as u can

How much feed and hay should your 1 year old pinto horse eat a day?

Talk to an expert, maybe a riding coach, a fellow owner or a veteranarian

When a horse is pregnant how much would it eat?

if it lives out, let it eat as much as it likes GET A HORSE MANUEL

Why can't horses eat chocolate?

Well that all depends on how much chocalote your horse got, if it wasn't much your horse should be fine but if your horse starts to sweat, or collic than you should probably get medical care for your horse. Hoope that helps you =)

How much does a horse eat annually?

The average sized horse (15.2 hands) will eat 2-3 tons of hay per year. There are several factors that could alter the amount eaten. If the horse is in a large pasture that has grass at least part of the year they may need less depending on the individual horse.

How much do horses eat per year?

horses can eat up to 20 pounds of food a day so in a year they could eat 7,300 pounds of food. It depends on your horse's diet and the size.

How much food should you eat in a year?

a lot dudeson

How much can a 1200 lb horse eat in 1 year?

A 1200 pound horse could eat anywhere between 4,380 pounds to 13,140 pounds of food if you follow the correct method of feeding a horse between 1% and 3% of it's own body weight in feed everyday.

Should a 11 year old eat more than a 8 year old?

It depends how much the child can eat

How much should you weight if you are a 15 year old girl?

it depends on how much they eat