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thedore roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt

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Q: How much should you weight if What if your a twelve year old boy?
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How much should a twelve year old boy weight?

85-110 pounds

How much should a twelve year old that's 5' 2 weigh?

A twelve-year-old who has that height should have a weight of between 90 and 99 pounds. The average twelve-year-old with that height often weighs 91 pounds.

What is the average weight for a twelve year old that is 5 foot 2 inches?

They should probably weight about 100-115 pounds

How much weight should you lose you are a twelve year old girl who weighs 7'11?

I'm guessing you don't weigh 711 pounds. Please revise your question.

How much should a twelve year girl weigh?

100-125 pounds

What is the standard weight for a twelve year old girl?

The standard weight for the aberage twelve year old boy is between 90 lbs. to 110 lbs.

How much should a 12 year old that is 5'4 weight?

you should weight at lest 102

How much should a 47 year old woman weight that is 5'3?

she should weight 115 lbs

How much should a twelve year old weight?

well.... I'm twelve and i range in weight through out the day. in the morning i usually weigh 103.6 lbs. midday i weigh 106.3 lbs and by night i weigh 108.2 lbs. i don't really think you should worry about your weight you're still growing. if everyone says the weigh 80-90 lbs they're probably lying so you don't think they are fat. i think all twelve year olds should weigh between 92 and 120 lbs. but it is OK if you are over because everyone is different

What is the average weight of a twelve year old in centimeters?

You cannot express weight in centimeters.

How much should a five foot tall twelve year old weigh?


How much should a six foot twelve year old girl weigh?

50 stone