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It takes about 84 Earth years.

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Q: How much time is needed for the planet uranus to revolve around the sun?
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The satellites of Uranus revolve around the planet in planes almost what to its orbit?

The satellites of Uranus revolve around the planet in planes almost perpendicular to its orbit.

What planet rotates on it's side?

Uranus is the planet that rotates on its side. It takes Uranus 84 Earth years to fully revolve around the Sun.

How much time does uranus needed to revolve around the sun?

84.3 years.

Which of planets takes a longer time than Uranus to revolve around the Sun?

Neptune is the only planet that takes longer than Uranus to orbit the Sun.

How did Uranus get where it is now?

because uranus revolves around the sun like all the other planets. revolving means to go around something without spinning. every planet revolves. if a planet does not revolve, then there wouldn't be any day or night. the earth takes 365 days to revolve around the sun once. uranus takes 30,800 days to revole around the sun once. that is a really long year.

How much time is needed to revolve around the Sun?

Uranus needs about 84 Earth years, or about 30,685 Earth days, to revolve around the Sun. This is also known as its period of revolution.

Do uranus revolve around the sun?

Yes. Uranus orbits the sun.

How many moons revolve around Uranus?

Uranus has 27 moons.

How long does it take for planet Jupiter to revolve around the sun?

i think it's 4 1/2 years which is a lot faster than uranus which i believe takes like 10 years . don't quote me but uranus is farther than the earths 93,000,000 miles from the sun so it takes uranus a longer time to revolve around the sun, which gives scientists more reason to ask how's uranus doing today

Which gas giant takes the longest to revolve?

Neptune takes the longest to revolve around the sun.

How long does it take for uranus to revolve around the sun in a year?

a year

What planets revolve around the sun?

Each of the eight planets orbits around the sun; Mercury (the smallest), Venus (the hottest), Earth (our planet), Mars (the red planet), Jupiter (the largest), Saturn (the one with rings), Uranus (the green one tilted on its side that you have to be careful how you pronounce), and Neptune (the furthest).