

How much voltage is in one neutron?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How much voltage is in one neutron?
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Why are neutron stars very heavy?

Heavy is a nebulous term. Neutron Stars would weigh no more than any other object of equivalent mass. (One ton of feathers weighs as much as one ton of bricks.) The difference is that neutron stars are much denser than most other forms of matter. This increased density comes from the fact that neutron stars are created from the collapse of a much larger star into a much smaller space on account of gravity.

How much voltage in one battery?

1,5 v

Does H-2 have a neutron?

yes, deuterium has one proton and one neutron.

How much does a neutron have?

its has 1

A neutron and an electron have the same mass yes or no?

No, a neutron is much more massive.

What is the approximate atomic mass of a neutron?

The relative mass of a neutron compared with a proton is one.

Does a neutron weigh as much as a proton?


Which particle has a mass that is approximately the same as the mass of a proton?

the neutral or no charge particle of an atom:it is located in the nucleus;has the same mass as the proton.

One of the two particles that make up a nucleus. this has no electric charge?

Proton and neutron are the two particle that make up a nucleus and has no electric charge . But the one you are asking for is Neutron .That's the answer !!

Does an electron have more maas than a proton or neutron?

an electron is much lighter than a proton or neutron.

What does voltage mean in a sentence?

Voltage pretty much means.. The work it takes to move charge from one point of the circut to anotherl.

Which is bigger a neutron star or a white dwarf?

A white dwarf is much larger than a neutron star.