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It was used a lot, pretty much all the time. It was the main weapon they used for executing people during the reign of terror.

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Q: How much was the guillotine used during the terror?
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What became the symbol of the reign of terror?

the guillotine because it was used so often during the reign of terror and most of all the Great terror, which occurred during the reign of terror

What instrument used to conduct executions during the Reign of Terror?

The Guillotine

What was used to execute people during French Revolution's Reign of terror?

The guillotine.

What year was the guillotine used the most?

During the Reign of Terror between 1793 and 1794.

What weapons were used mostly in the reign of terror?


What is the decapitation device that used during the French Revolution?

Guillotine. It would cut off the heads of the victims, during the Reign of Terror. Certain people thought it was more humane than the old way of killing people [hangings, or beheadings with axe's]. It's believed that even after you were beheaded by the guillotine you could still live up to 30 seconds.

What device was created to behead people more efficiently during the reign of terror?

The device created specifically for beheading people more efficiently during the Reign of Terror was the guillotine. It was a mechanical apparatus that used a sharp blade to swiftly decapitate individuals. The guillotine was designed to be quick, humane (compared to previous execution methods), and widely adopted during the French Revolution.

Why was the Guillotine in use during the Terror?

IT was used because the axe head chopping was slow and painful so, Dr Guillotine suggested that they should use a mechanism which is fast and none painful.

What special piece of execution equipment was used during the French Revolution?

The guillotine.

What did Dr. Guillotin invent?

Dr. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin (1738-1814) did not invent the device named for him (the guillotine), but suggested such a device be used for "quick and painless" execution by decapitation. Beheading by ax was already widely used for death penalties, but was seen by many as hideous and barbaric. The guillotine acquired a repugnant reputation during the Reign of Terror in France.

Why was the Reign of terror given this name?

The Reign of terror, also known as "The Terror", is an event of violence that happened during the French revolution. Many have died during this period using the Guillotine. The name Reign of terror is used rather than using the name of the person ruling at that time and it signifies that terror or revenge was the one in control at that said period.

Did the guillotine bring equality to the masses?

No, it did not. The guillotine was mostly used during the period that is now called The Terror, a one-year period in which tens of thousands of 'enemies of the Revolution' were put under the Guillotine. Among these were a great number of aristocrats, but an even greater number were ordinary citizens accused of expressing defeatist views or views considered even slightly hostile to the Revolutionary regime. At the end of that year, the leader of the Terror regime (called Maximilien Robbespierre) was himself executed under the guillotine.