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As much as the plant needs. The excess water is thrown out.

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Q: How much water enters and leaves a cell?
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When too much water enters a cell it is known as?

It becomes swollen with the possibility of of bursting.

Water enters a cell when the solution surrounding the cell is?

Hypotonic- i think. Hypertonic is when it shrinks and Lyses is when the cell burts from swelling too much. We did it with blood cells in my Anatomy and Physiology class.

How much water leaves and enters the human pond of each day?

2700 ml or 2 3/4 qts

What is the process of moving water into or out of a cell membrane?

Well this process is called osmosis. When too much water gets in a cell it uses sugar levels and water levels to balance out the matter inside the cell. If to much water and nutrients enters the cell it will die because it cannot process all the nutrients.

How does a cell wall help plants?

It provides support for the plant cell. If the plant cell fills with water, the cell wall will prevent it from bursting, allowing the cell to reach a "turgid", or rigid state. This is contrary to animal cells, which have no cell wall and burst if too much water enters them

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What is the primary function of the cell wall?

The cell wall is responsible for providing structural support for the cell. It prevents the cell from bursting when excess water enters. Animal cells do not have a cell wall, only a cell membrane. The main function of the cell membrane is to keep substances out of and inside the cell.

What happens when plant is put into water?

If a plant cell is placed in fresh water, there will be a net movement of water into the cell - because the solute concentration inside the cell is greater than outside. This occurs because the system is attempting to reach equilibrium (where the concentrations inside and outside are equal). Unlike an animal cell, a plant cell will not burst when excess water enters the cell. This is because the cell wall helps the plant cell maintain its structure.

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In a cell that contains saltwater and pure water surrounds the cell what is most likely to happen?

The cell is in a hypotonic solution, which mean there is more concentration of salt inside than out. Then osmosis works to equalize the concentrations in both the cell and outside solution. In this case, the pure water would rush into the cell to dilute the salt concentration to match the outside concentration. But if too much water enters the cell, the pressure increases and the cell membrane has the potential to burst.