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Water does NOT help remove marijuana from your system, since it is stored in your fat cells. Fatty substances are not water-soluble, and thus, water does not flush marijuana from your system. See the Related Question below.

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Q: How much water per gram of marijuana do you need to get clean?
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Related questions

How much is one gram of marijuana weigh?

1 gram.

How much do people spend on marijuana?


If you drink water every day for 45 days will your system be clean from marijuana?

If you don't use marijuana for 45 days your system will be fairly clean from marijuana even if you don't drink water... probably clean enough to pass a drug test, at any rate.One problem is that the active compounds of marijuana ... the ones that drug tests look for ... are more soluble in fat than in water. So drinking water doesn't help as much as you might think.

How much marijuana in a ring baggie?

exactly 1 gram of hash.

How do you be clean for a marijuana drug test in a week?

Flush with water. Drink as much as you can. Avoid the bud for a couple of days.

Will not smoking marijuana and drinking vinger and a lot of water will that clean your urine?

yes but not to much vinegar like a teaspoon of it but you can drink lots of water also drink pickle juice

Why are you not clean after a month of not using marijuana?

because you smoke too much fool!

How much does a gram of weed go for in Oregon?

This is a very broad question. It's like asking how much a slice of pizza costs. It all depends by place, but a gram of legal medical marijuana costs anywhere from 8 dollars to 20 dollars. For example, a gram of marijuana in New York City might cost 20 dollars (because marijuana is illegal in NY), but a gram of marijuana in Colorado might cost 8 dollars (marijuana is legal and is grown alot in Colorado).

How much cream of tartar should I take to clean marijuana out of system?

You can take as much as you wish but it will not work

How much does 1 gram of marijuana cost in Amsterdam?

idk but one gram is between 6-11 euro. Max purchase at one store is 5g.

How much does a 1cm cube of water weigh?

I gram

How much water do you have to drink to clean your system of cocaine and marijuana in two days?

It won't happen in 2 days. THC lasts for 2 mos or more in the body and you can't hide it