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drink a gallon or more of water a day.

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Q: How much water should you drink per day to clean your urine of THC when your test is in 2 days and you smoked 3 times this past weekend and daily a month before?
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How long will it take to get clean if you only smoked 3 days but was clean 2 months before you smoked?

1 month

Smoked 2 joints on June 4th and took a urine drug test for Kmart on July 14th which was a 40 day gap I was clean for almost exactly 11 months before that I am 5'9 and about 160 lbs Did I Pass?

considering 30 days is what most people go on even though that's not true then yeah you should be clean..... if you hadn't smoked for 11 months and then smoke 2 js 40 days before your test your gonna be were probably clean 2 weeks after you smoked..

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You smoked 2 blunts a month and a day ago are you clean?

Your system should be clean if no other use during the last month.

You smoked today an before that your system was clean will you pass a drug test in a week?

a week or 2 just about

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What will show on a 3 month urine sample?

If you haven't smoked anything for three months, you should be clean.

If you smoked weed the day before your drug test then took ready clean will it work?

i seariously doubt it but if it does you are really lucky

Smoked weed for over 20 years quit using for 75 days was able to pee clean fell off the smoke wagon and smoked for about a month how long should it take to pee clean again?

Depending on your weight, A week- A month.

Will dirty urine diluted with clean urine test for drugs if more was clean then dirty?

I actually took this approach last year in Feb 2012. I am an occasional smoker like once every weekend and ad been clean for a few months before I became occasional. used someone else's urine and my own and PASSED the test. I had smoked two days before the test and KNEW I wasnt going to pass but I did!

If you smoked ten days ago should you be clean from marijuana?

No,It takes approximately 3-4 weeks in order for your body to clean itself out. But if you are trying to get rid of it fast, you should drink LOTS of water.

You are totally clean but you smoked a jount todayhow long before you test clean?

If you were really clean, it could be as little as 5 days. I would give it 7-9 to be safe. I smoked it 2-3 time within a ten year period so I know that if you are not a regular users it goes away really fast.