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Q: How neocolonialism has resulted to immorality?
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What does neocolonialism?

Neo before a word means that there is a modern equivalent to that words meaning. Neocolonialism suggests that modern trade is equivalent to colonialism.

What are the effects of neocolonialism?

neocolonialism leaves the used country in disarray after they were used.Using the instruments of neocolonialism,the used country is often buried in debts and contracts to the more powerful country who used them.Oftentimes,there will be permanent alliance to that country who they asked for had influenced them.

What does neocolonialism means?

Neo before a word means that there is a modern equivalent to that words meaning. Neocolonialism suggests that modern trade is equivalent to colonialism.

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How would you put immorality in a sentence?

Hades is full of immorality.

Why technology produces immorality?

Immorality is not produced by technology. It is a function of people.

Is immorality an act?

An act can be immoral However immorality is not necessarily an act.

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causes of sexual immorality

Immorality in a sentence?

The immorality of mankind has led to much suffering and death.

What Asian countries are still under the influence of neocolonialism?

Philippines. Its a Asian

What are the effects of immorality?

examples of these are family problems .. An immoral behavior is basically which is morally wrong. There are many different examples of immorality, from selfishness to disrespecting others, sexual immorality and so on. The effects of immorality are drastic, and can destroy the nations.

What case is suited for committing immorality?

Immorality shall be punished by a thousand years frozen in carbonite!