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Studies have shown that females may only have young every two to three years.

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8y ago

Nope- they can't. Only mammals have breasts to make milk. Snakes are reptiles.

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8y ago

Nope- they can't- only mammals have breasts to make milk. Snakes are reptiles.

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Q: Do female rattlesnakes nurse babies
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Do rattlesnakes nurse their young?

No. It is a well know fact that reptiles do not nurse.

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No. Seals are mammals. They give live birth to babies, and nurse them with milk. No eggs laid.

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Female rattlesnakes produce a new litter every 3 years on average.

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Dont disturb her....leave her be. when she had her babies she will nurse them and take care of them. Also if its her first time she might eat the babies because she has no expierence and in the second time she will know what to do. so dont worry if she eats her babies because she might get pregnant again and she wont eat her babies.

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